Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Beer tasting 2/14

Enjoyed a 2013 Hair of the Dog Doggie Claws. One of the more enjoyable Christmas beers. It is a barleywine. 13%, an American Style with more hoppy notes. Makes me all warm and cheery inside. We also did a beer tasting with some friends. My Top 3 were Port Brewing's Old Viscosity, it was a roasty malty barleywine, looks more like a stout then a barleywine. Very Delicious. 2nd was Gigantic Brewing Massive. It was also a barletwine. Balanced, sweet, and easy to drink. 3rd was Avery/Russian River Collaboration Not Litigation, this was made by both Breweries. They both have a Belgian beer named Salvation and this is a blend of each one. Hunt and Explore beer, you never know what tasty concoction you will fine! Prost!