Thursday, July 25, 2013

Over the weekend

Over the weekend, I took my cousin out for his 21st. First we hit Two Beers in Georgetown. He tried the Immersion Amber, I had the Presidential Pils. I also had the Evo IPA and tried a sample of there Sodo Brown with mint and cocoa nibs. All their beers were excellent. Then we went to Schooner Exact and both tried the dry stout. It was a nice quality, balanced Stout. Then we swung by Beer Junction and picked up some bottles yo go. We ended the night at Prost were we did a boot of a dunkel weiss. The beer was light with a hint of raisins. Also over the weekend we shared a Manhattan NW sour ale from Cascade. It was a cherry and noyeux ale aged in bourbon barrels and it was amazing! It was a good weekend, with good beer, and good company. Cheers!

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