Friday, April 18, 2014

Delicious Stout Beer

The last couple weeks I have had some delicious beer. Let start with Hair the Dog's Matt. It was a bourbon barreled stout, that is also aged in brandy barrels. Sweet, roasty and delicious. The next beer I had was Pelican's Irish Handcuffs, it is a dry irish stout. It is smooth, balanced and subtly sweet. At 4.4% it is a quaffable stout. The next beer I had was Black Raven's Grandfather Imperial Stout. This beer is from 2012, aged for 2 years. It was thick, creamy and satisfying. Black Raven has never disappointed. Also while driving through Astoria stopped by Fort George and picked up a limited release Cavacta stout aged in Rum barrels. I haven't had one yet but once I do I will write about. Drink and be merry! Prost! 

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